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Dislocation – The Doorway


Dislocation: I came into the office the other day, as per usual, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but the biggest, most beautiful Dream Catcher I do believe I have ever seen. It was grand. Willow entwined with Sage, fringed with horse hair and moose hide leather. The feathers, symbolizing the hope that each had become “friendly, almost affectionate” with. The beads were of wood and bone, a west coast traditional style, and the web of sinue served as the main focal point to a truly exotic expression and impression. I have never met the Creator of this magnificent work of brilliance, but I do know his people.

I am a treaty Aboriginal myself, registered with a Cree band in Northern Alberta, Saddle Lake it’s called and I have never even been there. I’m what they call an “urban Indian” or “Inner City Kiddie,” whatever. I will go there someday, when things are smoothed over real nice and stable. When I think about it, a lot of what people say is true, I would lose it living in the country and to top it off I’m a stranger in my own land. Sure, I know the culture, I spent six years of my adolescence trying to drown it in the name of “fun.”

I believe in many things but what I have a really hard time with is the fact that I see far too many of my people (I mean A LOT of people), that just refuse to drop the blinders and get up off their knees. Oppression, suppression, separation and desperation. All I see is dislocation. And for all I care, it’s pitiful. I for one will not stand by and watch it continue.

The true grace of this heartland, is in its people. The nature of our nature is Nature itself. Therefore why not make the best use of today’s knowledge, skills and training, to do what we know is wise in the way of respecting our mothers and fathers. That is all I can say for now, but you’ll be hearing from me in the future, count on it. Thank you.

– N.L

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