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Mom – The Doorway



Did you know a mother is the most important person in a girl’s life?
Well what happens when a girl’s mom isn’t the mom she’s supposed to be?
What happens when a girl’s mom is dead inside?
Leaving the girl to always worry and wonder how much longer her mom will last before she dies on the outside too?
I have the answer to these questions.
It hurts.
Your heart feels like it is being torn to shreds every time you think about it.
It’s painful.
The pain’s so excruciating that sometimes you wonder how you’re still surviving. Sometimes you just want to jump out of your own skin, and run as far away as you possibly can.
It’s sad.
Sometimes you cry. And sometimes you can’t, because you’ve already spent all your tears on it.
Sometimes you feel so alone.
Sometimes you just want your mom to tell you everything will be ok…
Sometimes you wish you would wake up and it would all be a bad dream.
But you won’t. And it isn’t.
When it’s hard to get out of bed, I still have to. When it’s hard to go to work, I still have to.
When it’s hard to live for myself, I find it in me to do it anyways. Because I have sisters. And they need me right now.
So I live on. Life goes on. And I make the best of it.
When my Mom falls deeper into addiction, I work harder on recovery.
Because that’s all I can do.
Is survive and stay strong


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