A Year off the Streets

It’s now been a full year since I moved into this apartment unit. 365 days being housed, and building up to a place where my life should be at rather than where I was at. 

In the time since I’ve moved here, I got myself a desktop, all my stuff from Edmonton, rebuilt my collection of media players, and more. I remember my first night here with little in the cupboards, and contemplating as to what this new life would feel like. It felt weird being out of the shelter, but now it’s become normal. 

A year alone. It feels great having privacy without a family member walking into the room waking you up, an unannounced drug search, or even the simple luxury of not sleeping on a cold hardwood floor. 

As rough as things are at work, and the poor timing of some large and unplanned bills, I can tell I’m on the right path, and I look forward to see what the next year brings. 

– A.S   

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