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Bridgette – The Doorway


“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Elliot

How am I doing in recovery? In my addiction I suffered from the ‘I don’t give a **** attitude’. I don’t give a **** if I ever wake up again, I don’t give a **** if I go to jail, I don’t give a **** if you don’t like me, hell, I don’t like myself. In my addiction, drugs were my purpose and I thought that would never change. It was so much easier for me not to care about anything. I thought that would be the life I lived until the day I died and at the time I was OK with that. It wasn’t until I found out I was pregnant that I had decided I needed to change. At first it was just abstaining from drugs, then I decided I needed to look deeper inside myself, I needed to get to the source of my pain and addiction. That’s when I decided to go to treatment, so I could better understand myself. It never felt so good to actually complete something. I regularly attend meetings have a sponsor and am working the steps. I continue to surround myself with like minded people. What I have got out of all that is I actually look forward to waking up in the morning and starting a new day. I’m living life, the ups and the downs and everything in between. Who I was isn’t who I am, and it’s never too late to be what you might have been ‘the mother, the daughter, the sister, the friend, the lover.’ A person who it’s ok to laugh with, cry with or just listen to. Today I have hope, today I have a choice and today I choose to be the me I know I can be.

– Bridgette

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