Trust: A Choice I believe every man has the right to choose who and what may enter their life, but it is the discretion of making such decisions that could be the downfall of their sanity. When I mention…

Trust: A Choice I believe every man has the right to choose who and what may enter their life, but it is the discretion of making such decisions that could be the downfall of their sanity. When I mention…
Yesterday a young man read the below poem, written by a participant of The Doorway (then The Back Door) in 1992. It resonated so deeply he carried it around to share it with several staff, ‘this, this is my…
You call us street people. Society has written us off. You say that we are worthless and that we don’t matter. You walk by us on the streets every day and you just look the other way. You would…
In the last few months, I’ve been meeting a mental health counsellor more or less once a week. Since moving into this place back in December, my thoughts have once again caught up with me as they did before I left…
The Doorway believes in the importance of community connection, hear from our volunteers! Interested in volunteering, learn about the many opportunities available on our website
Changing one’s beliefs is never an easy task. Vast amounts of research attests to the fact that most of what a person believes to be true is set within his/her mind by the time he/she is seven years of…
I have just listened to Pink Floyd ‘Comfortably Numb’ and ‘We Don’t Need No Education’… This combined in my thoughts with a reflection yesterday on the Sociology of Hope. One of the summary elements of ‘hope’ suggested that the ‘way’ to hope…
Artwork: Robert Rauschenberg [1925-2008) Today we have witnessed the end run of one child, now young man, whose life has been defined and lived out in the historical path of how our society processes children outside of traditional supports. Paperwork/documents/reports/records fill…
You can tell (by the small blue corner dot) that I found this art piece at a wonderful Second Chance Art fundraiser (hosted in the spring by the Heritage Rotary Club). It was the first piece that I saw.…
A story came to mind this morning when discussing rodents and their impact on our environment and the ecosystem… I have always been an animal lover, and had many pets as a child. I had a hamster once that…