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Upcoming Events – The Doorway

Latest Past Events

Calgary Marathon sponsored by Servus Credit Union

Missing Steps Off the Street? Join The Doorway's team! You can still run your 5K and be part of The Doorway's efforts to raise funds for young people at The Doorway. REGISTER / DONATE TO OUR TEAM HERE By…

varies depending on event

A Doorway Extravaganza – A Night of Music, Magic and Fun

Festival Hall 1215 10 Ave SE, Calgary

A Doorway Extravaganza – A Night of Music, Magic and Fun presented by Servus Credit Union will be held at Festival Hall in Inglewood on May 9, 2024.  We will be featuring local professionals who will share their talents in music, comedy,…


Steps off the Street 2023

Confluence Plaza, St. Patrick's Island

Steps Off the Street is a 3k/5k Walk/Run/Roll an annual fundraising event focused on raising critical funds to support young people ages 17 - 30 making lasting change in their lives to get off the street. This year The…

Making change possible.
We're excited to announce our rebranding, with a fresh new look and a renewed focus on our unwavering mission to support youth to thrive.

Sign up to be the first to know when we launch the new site.